About the Columbia State Community College Foundation

The Columbia State Community College Foundation’s mission is to support and partner with Columbia State to positively impact our communities and student success through the maintenance and enhancement of resources through excellence in relationship building, fundraising and investment management. Foundation management is under the direction of Bethany Lay, Executive for Advancement for Columbia State. Advancement also includes annual giving, alumni relations, community events and grants management.
In addition, for more than a decade the Foundation has partnered with Columbia State Community College, First Farmers Bank and other sponsors and patrons have successfully brought local and world-renowned artists to perform on the Cherry Theater stage as part of the Performance Series. The Foundation also supports the mission of the Pryor Art Gallery, located on the CSCC campus in Columbia, which strives to a first-class artistic venue where appreciation for all forms of visual art is enhanced through presentation of stimulating exhibits and programs that inspire, educate, enlighten, challenge and entertain.


Scholarship Competition Opens for Marshall County Students

Applications for $5,000 scholarships are now available to Marshall County graduating seniors enrolling at Columbia State in the fall of 2013, according to Bethany Lay, Executive for Advancement for Columbia State Community College.
“Submission deadline for scholarship application is March 15, 2013,” Lay said, explaining that three scholarships are offered, one to a graduate of each of the county’s high schools.
Sponsored by Waste Management, the competition process includes completing an application and submission of an essay on a specific topic. The Waste Management Leadership Scholarship is designed to provide educational opportunities for local Marshall County students who desire to seek further education through Columbia State Community College. A committee following scholarship criteria will select the grant recipients. 
Waste Management, in agreement with Marshall County, oversees the scholarship program funded by Cedar Ridge Landfill, Inc.
Applications are available from the guidance counselors at Marshall County High School, Cornersville High School and Forrest School. For more information about enrolling at Columbia State, visit www.columbiastate.edu.